CPE 626 Advanced VLSI Design, Fall 2004 ======================================= HOMEWORK #1 Issued: 9/8/2004 Dues: 9/22/2004 This homework offers hands-on-experience in VHDL modeling and introduces features, tools, and the design flow in Xilinx ISE. 1. (85 points) Model, verify, and implement a soft IP (Intellectual Property) core for a rudimentary microprocessor Mu0, described in class. The model is to be implemented on a Xilinx device (Spartan2, Spartan3, or Virtex family). Deliverables: 0) Up to 2 pages of description 1) VHDL model and testbenches 2) Results of simulation (functional and post-place & route) 3) Synthesis report 4) Power report 5) Floorplan report 2. (30 points) Adapt VHDL model from 1) to utilize on-chip BRAMs for the main memory.